

BCMFarm Gift Certificate

Great Birthday or Christmas Gifts Please share – BCMFarm Gift Certificates Now Available – 3 Simple Steps: 1. Simply purchase the amount you would like; cashapp $bcmfarm PayPal/Venmo @bcmfarm – $5 minimum required 2. Receive Gift Certificate Value of 1.5 times the amount purchased 3. Specify the Recipients Name You will receive a pdf and/or png file to print and give or forward to your recipient Terms: Gift Certificates are Non Transferable – Good until 12-31-21 Minimum Gift Certificate Amount is $5. Cannot be exchanged for Cash. If item(s) purchased are less than Certificate Value Balance will be Reduced not Forfeited. Certificate is good until balance exhausted or expires whichever comes first. Certificate and ID must be presented at time of purchase. Certificate is good for 1.5 times the Certificate Purchase Value – Example: Purchase a $5 Certificate receive $7.50 actual value.

BCMFarm Latest Feed

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CKC Mini Dachshund Puppies CKC Mini Dachshund PuppiesCKC Mini Dachshund Puppies 1 Female Chocolate/Tan Long Hair, 1 Male Black/Silver Dapple Long Hair; CKC $800 ea. – Ready for pick up on 12-02-18
Accepting reservations with 1/2 down (non-refundable) then balance at pickup.
Each puppy comes with 1st Shots at 6 weeks old, 4 worm treatments starting at 2 weeks old, Puppy Pack which includes; Bill of Sale, 90 Day Health Guarantee, Vet Record, Breed Information, Starter Puppy Food, and Care & Feeding Instructions.
Call or Text 706-833-5535
We accept Cash/PayPal/Debit/Credit cards
Reserve at www.paypal.me/bcmfarm



SOLD – 1 Female Black/ Tan Long Hair Mini Dachshund puppies 1puppy available black/tan long hair; 1 Female $450 –
Ready for pick up on 10-15-18
Accepting reservations with 1/2 down (non-refundable) then balance at pickup.
Each puppy comes with 1st Shots at 6 weeks old, 4 worm treatments starting at 2 weeks old, Puppy Pack which includes; Bill of Sale, 90 Day Health Guarantee, Breed Information, Starter Puppy Food, and Care & Feeding Instructions.
Call or Text 706-833-5535
We accept Cash/PayPal/Debit/Credit cards
Reserve at www.paypal.me/bcmfarm
1 male 1 female Mini Dachshund

1 female Mini Dachshund


Mom Kacee

Dad Mater

Dad Mater



Buff Orphington Pullets

English Buff Orphington

Chicks  Available: PriceList
We hatch Chicks daily/year round (assorted breeds) Select Sexed* Chicks & Straight Run/Not Sexed: Black Jersey Giant, English Buff Orphington, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Red, Ameraucana (colored egg layers), Barred Plymouth Rock, Black French Copper Maran, BB Red Bantam, & the ever so special Ayam Cemani (black inside & out chicken)

Cash/PayPal/Credit/Debit cards accepted.
Call or text for details 706-833-5535

See our PriceList for current pricing

We offer Buy 10 Get one Free

*Sexed chick Guarantee – if we make a mistake, bring it back for exchange value of original purchase price of the chick towards another purchase



Bunny Rabbits
We do not breed under extreme weather  (cold or heat)
All bunny rabbits are 8 weeks of age or older
Our Breeds of Rabbits:
Champagne D’Argent
Flemish Giant
Holland Lop
Mini Lop
Mini Rex
Standard Rex

Standard Prices:
Bunny $40 – No Pedigree – Purebred
Bunny $60 – Pedigree – Subject to Availability
Adult Rabbits $45 – No Pedigree – Purebred
Adult Rabbits $65 – Pedigree – Subject to Availability

Each Bunny or Rabbit will come with Care & Feeding Instructions and Starter Food
We accept Cash/PayPal/Debit/Credit Cards

Email: blackberrycreekminifarm@gmail.com

Bunny Rabbits Babies Ready at Easter

Bunny Rabbits Babies Ready at Easter



Vindale Research – It really does pay – you can get paid too.
I got my first $50 payout for doing surveys – http://tryvindale.com/VCkYcAi
Daily Questions & Quick Polls for extra bonus cash too.
Sign Up and /Join for free – each survey only takes minutes to complete.
You get credited instantly to your account balance.
You can get paid via PayPal or by Check.
Once you sign up you can get a $5 referral when your friends join.

Vindale Research




I have been working on taking Blackberry Creek Mini Farm to the next level for several years now. It seemed that every product or or method I looked at was just too expensive or time consuming to make any real progress. All that is changing now thanks to Jeremy Schoemaker and ShoeMoney.

I saw an email that said he was frustrated that even though he had sold many “how to make money online” products and the content was good very few people every logged in and did anything.

So Jeremy claimed not only would this be free but he would pay me for accomplish tasks. I signed up for free. More because I was curious to see what his angle was than anything else. The first task was drop dead simple and I instantly received a dollar and it was sent to my paypal immediately and I never paid him anything.

Then I continued and went through the course. Jeremy guided me step by step. Setting up my website, then installing a theme, then installing plugins, etc. and by the end of the 2nd level he sent me $3. The course continued and I was glued. When I have questions I actually get answers and help – AWESOME.

Jeremy not only walks you through setting up everything step by step (and paying you as you accomplish the tasks), but also makes it fun awarding you belts like a karate system. It only take a couple minutes to complete each step. So far Jeremy has paid me $9.

But while the money was fun and kept me going, at the end I had a great blog with all the key plugins, a decked out facebook page and a email newsletter, and so much more. Everything is automated so I don’t have to spend hours or days constantly making changes. I now have so many tools that I always wanted and they run themselves.

I have spent hours playing farmville and pet rescue saga but this was like that only at the end you keep the farm and you have something of real value – For me it is my continued dream of a real farm and pet rescue saga of my own at Blackberry Creek Mini Farm that can actually function and allow me to do what I love and share my love of this dream with others. For you it could enable you to take your spare time and passion and turn it into your dream. All you need is to pick something you love and know about then go through the steps one time and share your info with the world – that is no different than what you do already on facebook or twitter, etc.

Again I never paid him $1 – Jeremy paid me! I kept waiting to see the trick but there truly is none – Everyone Wins!

I know you are skeptical just like I was. All I can say is give it a try it and when you make your first dollar in five minutes you will be just as happy and hooked like me. I just want to say thank you Jeremy. Click here to register.





Ducklings We hatch ducklings daily as hatched only starting at $8 ea.
day old to 1 week in age price goes up by age.
Cash/PayPal/Credit/Debit cards accepted. Breeds: Jumbo  & Regular Pekin, Khaki Campbell, Rouen (non-flying large breed mallard), Flying Mallard (March Pickup), Indian Runner, Swedish, Muscovy
Call or text for payment details 706-833-5535
See our Price List